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dilluns, 5 de desembre del 2016

Describing a picture

Sneha Jhamb and Guillem Montes 14/11/2016 4t ESO B

In this picture you can see two people on the back of a camel.In the middle of the photo there is a camel with two people on his back.In the background you can see a yellow building that might be a temple or something like that.This photo is very colourful because the camel is wearing a very shiny and colorful veil, and also because the yellow building is very visual and impressive.

I think this picture is beautiful and very visual thanks to the yellow temple, wich gives a lot of color to the pic. Also, it is very impressive to see a camel in the middle of the road, because im from there and lt isn't normal to see animals of this type in the middle of the road; Just cows.

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